Our Programs
We offer programs for children ranging from 0 months to 12 years old. If you have any questions about these programs, please feel free to contact us.
We are excited to introduce a brand-new preschool program starting here at County Place in January 2022. This program will normally run from September to June following the Elk Island school calendar. It is designed for children attending kindergarten in September, but we would like to offer it in January until June to our families and friends. This will be offered 3 mornings per week (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) from 9:00 to 11:30. Children need to be potty trained and bring their own snacks. Please inquire at the office for the fee structure if you are interested.

Itchy’s Alphabet®
the best start to letter sound learning
Itchy’s Alphabet® phonics program evolved through the thirty-four years Brenda L. worked with children who struggled to learn their letter sounds. These children had been taught the sounds and letter formations in the regular classrooms, using various programs, but had not achieved mastery and were referred for Learning Assistance support.
Armed with the knowledge that about 65% of individuals are visual learners, she started drawing pictures, in the shape of the letters, to give children a visual cue to remember. Not only did the students show improved mastery of their sounds, but they were also able to retrieve the shape of the letter by remembering the picture cue – spelling and printing both improved. In “Just the Facts”, an information sheet published by The International Dyslexia Association, they state, “Sound-symbol association must be taught (and mastered) in two directions: visual to auditory and auditory to visual.” Itchy’s Alphabet® is a unique phonics learning product in providing this dual-modality learning process. The visual and auditory reinforce each other, enhancing the ability to master both!
Brenda Larson
About Brenda
B.Ed. ’71 University of British Columbia, M. Ed. ‘79, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA
Brenda taught in the BC public school system for 34 years before retiring in 2006
1½ Years as a Remedial reading Teacher Vancouver School District.
32 Years as a Learning Assistance Teacher Vancouver, Langley and Central Okanagan School Districts of B.C.
In her role as Learning Assistance Teacher, she assisted students who struggled with academic learning, often supporting Kindergarten students who hadn’t learned their letter sounds. This led her to develop Itchy’s Alphabet Program.


As children get older and more independent, they need new challenges. That’s why we offer a school-age program for before and after school care and enrichment programs that address the changing and more varied needs of growing school-age children. Reading, math, and science activities ensure that your child’s mind is engaged and help create a lifelong love of learning and exploration.

Children learn best if they are in a stimulating environment. Music, stories, outdoor play, and learning simplicities envelop much of the day. Our caregivers are dedicated to helping each child develop these skills through a trusting and loving relationship.

Our Kinder program focuses on your child’s primary areas of development: language arts and literacy, mathematics, science, social and emotional development. Various activities are designed, which include recognizing print through learning center signs, dramatic play, practice counting beads or blocks, learning about people, plants and animals, participating in activities with their peers, practicing balance, jumping and throwing, and learn about patience.